2ml screw neck vials for hplc VWR
Screw neck vials, ND8 | VWR
Screw neck vials, ND8 Vials Chromatography Vials These vials are for use on instruments from the following manufacturers: Beckman, CTC, Gilson, Knauer, Shimadzu, Spark, Varian, VWR/Hitachi, etc.
Wide opening screw neck vials, Chromacol™ | VWR
Convenience and instrument select kits: These kits each include 100 vials and 100 caps with pre-assembled septa.VWR har mange forskjellige vials, ampuller, rør, som gjerne er spesialdesignet for spesielle bruk. Flate, runde o...
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DATE : 2020-09-16